Eating Right to Maintain a Healthy Heart

Diet and Exercise are the most important factors that contribute to the risk of heart disease.  Many of us can’t find time, or afford the cost of a gym.  However, we all have to eat and we should try to consider certain foods to lower our blood pressure and cholesterol.

Studies have proven that certain foods added to our diet can help in maintaining a healthy heart.  Some of those foods include the following:

A high protein diet is key to staying healthy and maintaining muscle tissue.  Lean meat is best compared to a ground beef or steak high in fat content.   Lean meat contains the amino acid carnitine which is critical for the product of energy in heart muscle.

Seafood, specifically fish with a high oil content and rich in omega-3 acids and improve health and lower bad cholesterol.  One of the best fishes for fighting heart disease is Halibut.  Just three ounces of Halibut 2-4 times per week can significantly lower LDL.  Other fishes high in omega-3 acids include:

  •  red snapper
  •  trout
  •  cod
  • halibut 

Fish to stay away from include:
  • catfish
  •  abalone
  • octopus
  • salmon

Vegetables provide a treasure-trove of antioxidants and fiber.  The most beneficial are mushrooms, broccoli, and greens.  Other leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, spinach have a high source of iron and contribute to preventing blood clotting.  Eating one cup of vegetables every day is recommended.

Vegetables to Eat:
  • kale
  • collard greens
  • spinach
  •  mushrooms

Some spices from India are known to fight heat and brain diseases like Tumeric.  Tumeric is currently being heavily tested in the battle against Alzheimer’s.  Other spices that fight heart disease are cayenne, ginger, horseradish, and carob.  Cinnamon has been shown in studies to reduce diabetes a leading cause of heart disease.  Nutritionists recommend that you add these spices in moderation to your daily intake of food.
50 million Americans suffer from heart disease caused by diabetes, weight, and genetics.  If you believe that you are at high risk for heart disease it’s highly recommend that you seek the advice of a doctor.

Also, if you believe that you may be at risk for heart disease you should consider has a home defibrillator.  AED LifePower has a large selection of portable defibrillators that are inexpensive and easy to use

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