AED's at Workplace

Why Do We Need AED’s at Work Place?

The seriousness of a sudden cardiac arrest is based on the statistics involved with this condition.

Over 300,000 Americans lose their lived due to sudden cardiac arrest every year and with over 150 million Americans spending more than half their day in their workplace, the need for AED’s cannot be underestimated.

AED’s are one of the most effective options when it comes to the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.

Every place of work needs to be installed with AED’s depending on the number of people working in it. Many states in America have already passed laws making it mandatory for employers to install AED’s at the workplace.

All the employees should be given adequate training so that they can help any person who is suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. The treatment for this condition has to be administered within minutes, otherwise it might result in loss of life.

Thus, with the easy availability of AED’s every workplace and organization should take all measures to ensure that they are equipped with sufficient AED’s. AED’s can be easily purchases at really reasonable prices from

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