Eating Healthy For Life

Everyone always talks about the best way to stay healthy is diet and exercise.  But what does that really mean.  In this blog entry we'll explore some specific foods that can contribute to a healthy heart.

One of the best known foods for maintaining a healthy heart is seafood.  Fish has a high content of omega-3 oils that are proven to lower blood pressure and reduce the strain on your heart.  But not all fish meat is equal.  Some fish are better than others for health.  For example, darker meat fish like catfish are not good for your health while white fish such as halibut can rich in anti-oxidants and omega-3 which contribute to a healthy heart.

Mother said always eat your vegetables.  Just like everything else Mom said this turns out to be true.  Vegetables are high in anti-oxidants and iron which prevent blood clots.  A good rule of thumb is to try to eat 3 servings a day or fruits and vegetables.

Nuts... No not what you're going through but the hard shell type.  Walnuts especially are considered a good source of protein and have shown in studies to reduce triglycerides.  Again, before adding anything new to your diet you should always consult your doctor.

Ethnic spices have shown to have a positive affect on fighting heart disease.  Cayenne, ginger, horseradish, and carob all have shown in studies to fight high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.  You should always consult a nutritionists to determine which of these spices are right for you.

If you believe that you are at high risk for heart disease it's highly recommend that you seek the advice of a doctor. Modern technology has provided us prescriptions that can lower high blood pressure, prevent arterial plaque, and lower cholesterol.

If you believe your at risk for heart related symptoms and not just heart disease, you should always see a doctor as soon as possible.  For more information about aed batteries and staying healthy you should visit

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