Day Care Centers Should Install Automated External Defibrillators

One of the leading causes of death in the United States is a heart problem known as sudden cardiac arrest Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when there is a problem with the electrical impulses of the heart. This condition doesn’t just impact the sick or the elderly, but healthy people at any time.

Every year more than three hundred thousand individuals encounter this condition so it’s crucial that we start to understand this condition and learn what can be done when it impacts children. It is said that fewer than 6 percent off sufferers live after encountering SCA but that figure would be in excess of 50% if an automated external defibrillator was used within five minutes of the patient collapsing from SCA.

It is documented that between 2000-2006 there have been over 500 incidents of SCA occurring to youngsters at school. The most common place where SCA occurs is in gym class where physical activity can strain the heart. As a sudden cardiac arrest can be encountered by anyone irrespective of their age and as such, the faculty and students both have to be protected in case of such an incident taking place.

An automated external defibrillator is a device approved by the FDA that will send an electrical shock to a patient experience SCA that will put the heart back into its normal rhythm. Most schools have made sure to install AED’s in gyms or where sports are played by children, however, there are few AED’s mounted in day care centers. There are several programs by the government and institutions like the American Heart Association which have made certain that most of the schools and day care centers have an access to an AED.

Once an AED has been connected to a individual in begins monitoring the heart. Only if the heart has stopped will the defibrillator verbal and visually advise the care giver to push the shock button. With minimal training the average person, teacher, or day care center employee can learn to use a defibrillator. Automated external defibrillators typically cost between $1000-$2000 dollars which is truly an affordable price since you may be saving the life of a child.
The Philips FRx is an outstanding defibrillator that works both with adults and children when you use in in conjunction with the 989803139311 that will regulate the voltage.

Eating Healthy For Life

Everyone always talks about the best way to stay healthy is diet and exercise.  But what does that really mean.  In this blog entry we'll explore some specific foods that can contribute to a healthy heart.

One of the best known foods for maintaining a healthy heart is seafood.  Fish has a high content of omega-3 oils that are proven to lower blood pressure and reduce the strain on your heart.  But not all fish meat is equal.  Some fish are better than others for health.  For example, darker meat fish like catfish are not good for your health while white fish such as halibut can rich in anti-oxidants and omega-3 which contribute to a healthy heart.

Mother said always eat your vegetables.  Just like everything else Mom said this turns out to be true.  Vegetables are high in anti-oxidants and iron which prevent blood clots.  A good rule of thumb is to try to eat 3 servings a day or fruits and vegetables.

Nuts... No not what you're going through but the hard shell type.  Walnuts especially are considered a good source of protein and have shown in studies to reduce triglycerides.  Again, before adding anything new to your diet you should always consult your doctor.

Ethnic spices have shown to have a positive affect on fighting heart disease.  Cayenne, ginger, horseradish, and carob all have shown in studies to fight high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.  You should always consult a nutritionists to determine which of these spices are right for you.

If you believe that you are at high risk for heart disease it's highly recommend that you seek the advice of a doctor. Modern technology has provided us prescriptions that can lower high blood pressure, prevent arterial plaque, and lower cholesterol.

If you believe your at risk for heart related symptoms and not just heart disease, you should always see a doctor as soon as possible.  For more information about aed batteries and staying healthy you should visit

Contributing Factors to Heart Disease

Every day your heart beats over 100,000 times and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood.  Since the day we were born we take the importance of the function of our heart for granted.  However, over 50 million American have heart disease that can lead to failure.  Most people go there entire lives without ever knowing that the condition exists until that fateful moment right before their death. Together we will explore some of the contributing factors that lead to heart disease in hopes that education will encourage more people to be diagnosed and treated before its too late.

Hypertension, or chronic high blood pressure is often associated with heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease.  Hypertension impacts specific genetic lines more than others.  For example, Africans are considered to be of higher risk than whites or Asians.  Since the presence of hypertension is difficult to detect by doctors, it’s often considered the silent killer of adults.

People with diabetes generally have other contributing factors like high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high cholesterol.  What happens to people with diabetes is that the body begins to store fat and collect lipids.  The lipids begin to harden into arterial plaque which blocks the normal flow of blood pumping through the veins.

In recent years doctors have found that metabolism plays a large role in heart disease.  This condition is refered to Metabolic Syndrome and affects over 50 million Americans.  Metabolism Syndrome typically includes the following conditions:  Tryglycerides level above 150, Blood Pressure of 130/85 or more, Blood Sugar of 100 or more, and patient’s weight.  A weight of 250 pounds for men and 200 pounds for women is one of the signs of a metabolism condition that could lead to heart disease.

Blood Pumping Disorder
Blood flow to the heart can become irregular and is often associated with congestive heart failure.  This condition occurs any time when the heart does not receive oxygenated blood.  This can be brought on by an arrhythmia in the arterial or ventricle parts of the heart.

We have listed just a few of the main issues that contribute to heart failure.  We encourage anyone who believes that they have any of these conditions to visit their general practitioner.  With diet and drugs many of these issues can be remedy or controlled to prevent heart disease.

Keeping your heart healthy is critical and you should always keep your AED battery fully charge and always have an extra M5070A.  

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