The HeartStart Onsite Defibrillator

With over 340,000 people becoming victims of sudden cardiac arrest every year, it is extremely important to have a reliable defibrillator at a handy location. The Philips HeartStart defibrillator can be used for shock administration to any person at any time. Weighing just 3.3lbs, it is extremely light and portable.

When you switch it on, the defibrillator instructs us in a clear manner about the necessary steps to be taken to administer shock to the victim. CPR coaching is provided to make sure that the person gains confidence about the entire process. The Philips HeartStart defibrillator works on the two technologically advanced features of SMART Analysis heart rhythm assessment and SMART Biphasic defibrillation therapy. It even has the Quick Shock feature, which allows the shock to be administered to the victim in matter of seconds soon after CPR. A picture of the Philips HeartStart Onsite Defibrillator is shown to the right.

Thus, with so many features, buying the Philips HeartStart Onsite Defibrillator can prove to be a very good decision.

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