$100 Rebate from Zoll

Purchase an AED Plus from an AEDLIFEPOWER and receive a $100 rebate check from Zoll Medical. This offer is only good through September 14, 2009. The list price for the Zoll Plus is $1649 and with the $100 savings makes it only $1549.

Zoll Plus is an advanced AED device that's features Real CPR Help. Real CPR Help is a feature that will provide audio and visual prompts to help the rescuer administer CPR.

The Zoll Plus with Real CPR Help will instruct you while you're performing CPR.

Not pushing hard enough? It will tell you to push hard.

Pushing hard enough? It will say, "Good compressions."

Not pushing fast enough? A metronome will lead you to the right rate. It will even show you the depth of each compression in real time.

Not yet started? The AED Plus will tell you again to get started.

Compressions stopped? It will tell you to continue.

The Zoll AED Plus will not only deliver a shock if required, it will also help the rescuer provide high-quality CPR which is critical in an emergency situation. Which of us wouldn't want a little help during a life or death situation.

1 Response to "$100 Rebate from Zoll"

  1. Anonymous says:

    We purchased a machine and wanted to comment how much we appreciate your excellent service. Thank you for the Emergency University Training that came with it.

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