Conditions that Lead to Heart Disease and Possible Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden Cardiac Arrest can cause permanent heart damage, brain damage and even irreversible death if not treated immediatly after a patient's heart stops. Early resuscitation like providing high quality CPR, the use of AEDs or Automated External Defibrillators and giving medications are all crucial to prevent the deadly effects of SCA.  With this article, learn the most common risk factors of SCA and avoid developing this fatal heart condition before it starts to kick in.

First, family history of Coronary Artery Disease plays an important role in this life threatening condition, if your parents or grandparents have it, the more likely you will develop SCA. Aside from genetics, CAD or Coronary Artery Disease more commonly known as Atherosclerosis which is the accumulation of plaque deposition within the arterial walls of the heart is also considered to be one of the greatest risk factors that may lead to SCA.

Secondly, smoking is also considered a factorm that increased heart disease. Nicotine is known to be a notorious a vasoconstrictor meaning it constricts the blood vessels of the body resulting to high blood pressure and increase turbulence of the blood.

Third, hyperlipidemia or increase cholesterol in the blood can also subject you to SCA. Collection of lipids in the blood especially harmful ones like low density lipoprotein which can be found on oily foods, saturated fats, sodium rich meals and fatty dishes are known to increase exposure towards SCA.

Excersie; we all hate doing it but doctors say it's the best way to keep our heart healthy. Aside from SCA, sedentary lifestyle is also known to put you on other heart diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, CAD and all others.

To prevent development of SCA it is advised to submit yourself to annual checkups if you are healthy, monthly checkups if you have underlying heart conditions and bi annual check up for older individuals. It is also wise to religiously take your medications as this stops further development of your existing medical condition. Smoking cessation, healthy lifestyle, exercising twice a week, intake of nutritious foods should also be practiced utmost to prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

SCA is preventable; you just need to have a good self discipline and tons of knowledge to fight this lethal heart condition. Remember that if one suffers from SCA, don’t hesitate to help him or her. What you need to do to save his life are the following but not limited to:

- Calling for help

- Performing CPR following the new sequence C-A-B or chest compression, airway and breathing

- Using Automated External Defibrillators present on site

Stop the spread of SCA! Live a healthy life and don’t forget to submit yourself to medical checkups to ensure best health and wellness.

A defibrillator is a great device for treating someone experiencing SCA.  A defibrillator used in conjunction with M5072A and a M5071A is best when used within the first 5 minutes.

Performing Proper CPR Chest Compressions

Performing proper chest compressions is the most important aspect when providing CPR. In fact, the American Red Cross has revised the CPR guidelines emphasizing chest compressions. However, you can’t just compress the chest and expect proper results, there are important tips that you should know so you can perform proper CPR.

First, you need to know where to press. You should put both of your hands on the right side of the chest just below the nipple. If possible, make sure you’re on a flat surface when performing compressions so that the full force of your compressions is put into compressing the chest at least 1 ½” on each thrust.

The pace of the chest compressions is also critically important. Too fast, or too slow will nullify the impact of the compressions. The American Red Cross has stated that compressions should be between 90-100 times per minute. While giving chest compressions it helps to sing a song that has a good fast beat to keep pace with. A good dance song like “Staying Alive” from the Bee Gee’s is a great song to keep beat to.

Although breathing for the patient is important, it’s been found that it’s not as important as just performing compressions. In fact, chest compressions alone are enough to revive someone who experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

Chest compressions should be performed while waiting for emergency services to show up with an automated external defibrillator. An AED can monitor the heart and determine if an electrical shock is required. It has been proven that a shock from an AED can significantly increase the likely hood for reviving the patient. For every minute without an AED, it decreases the likeliness of survival by 10%. You should always have an AED onsite with a fully charge aed battery to make sure your prepared for an emergency.
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